Study on Reaction Dynamics of Organic Boric Cross-Linker and Hydroxypropyl Guar Gum
DOI: 10.12677/JAPC.2017.61005, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 1,520  浏览: 2,741  科研立项经费支持
作者: 唐 萍, 林 鑫, 郑承纲:中国石化石油勘探开发研究院,北京;石 阔:中国海洋石油总公司大同煤制气项目筹备组,山西 大同
关键词: 有机硼交联剂羟丙基胍胶压裂液交联动力学Organic Boric Cross-Linker Hydroxypropyl Guar Gum Fracturing Fluid Cross Linkage Dynamics
摘要: 本文以有机硼交联剂和羟丙基胍胶的交联反应为基础,选择了影响该反应过程的六个主控因素——有机硼活化能Ea、温度、pH、有机硼交联剂浓度、羟丙基胍胶浓度以及时间t,通过中心法则实验设计,建立了这六个因素与冻胶170 s−1剪切粘度的数学模型。该模型的建立对有机硼交联剂的研制、压裂体系的构建、压裂液性能评价和预测,压裂施工条件的优化均具有重要的实际意义。
Abstract: Based on cross linking reaction of organic boric cross-linker and hydroxypropyl guar gum, central composite experimental design is used to construct a mathematic model of guar gel viscosity with the key factors. Six key factors, including the organic boron activation energy (Ea), temperature (T), pH value, organic boric cross-linker, concentration, hydroxypropyl guanidine gum concentration, and time (t), were chosen for the study. The model could thereafter contribute to the development of organic boric cross-linker, construction of fracturing system, prediction and evaluation of the fracturing fluid; it also has important practical significance for the optimization of fracturing execution conditions.
文章引用:唐萍, 林鑫, 郑承纲, 石阔. 有机硼羟丙基胍胶压裂液的交联动力学研究[J]. 物理化学进展, 2017, 6(1): 37-43. https://doi.org/10.12677/JAPC.2017.61005


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