A Study on the Precise Poverty Alleviation Strategy in the Perspective of Social Work—Based on the Survey of the Poverty Alleviation in G Village, R County, Guangxi
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.63041, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,120  浏览: 5,654  科研立项经费支持
作者: 黎国举:广西科技大学社会科学学院,广西 柳州
关键词: 社会工作精准扶贫人文贫困Social Work Precise Poverty Alleviation Humanistic Poverty
摘要: “精准扶贫”是我国社会扶贫政策的一项重要措施。其社会工作专业的发展对于解决社会贫困问题有着重要作用。本文以G村精准扶贫实践调查研究为例,围绕G村农村社区在扶贫工作中所面临的困境:“人文贫困”,探讨社会工作如何从专业优势介入精准扶贫工作的策略,实现扶贫精准化,摆脱贫困。
Abstract: “Precise poverty alleviation” is an important measure of China’s social poverty alleviation policy. Its professional development of social work to solve the problem of social poverty has an important role. Taking G village precise poverty alleviation practice research as an example, centered on the G village rural community in the poverty alleviation work faced by the plight: “Humanistic Poverty”, this paper explores the strategy of how we can involve in the precise poverty alleviation work from the professional advantages, to achieve the goal of precise poverty alleviation and get rid of poverty.
文章引用:黎国举. 社会工作视域下精准扶贫策略研究—基于广西R县G村精准扶贫调查[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(3): 306-310. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.63041


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