The Design and Application of Traditional Cultural Elements in Modern Garment
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.65084, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,293  浏览: 6,379 
作者: 郭梦洁, 尚笑梅:苏州大学纺织与服装工程学院,江苏 苏州
关键词: 服装设计传统文化中国元素创新内涵Fashion Design Traditional Culture Chinese Elements Innovation Connotation
摘要: 当今时代服装的竞争已经不仅仅是品质的竞争,更多的是服装背后所蕴含的文化内涵的竞争。在倡导“民族的就是世界的”理念的今天,我国传统文化元素在世界舞台上越来越受到重视,然而我国大部分服装设计却忽略本国优秀文化元素,盲目追随西方国家的脚步。故本文针对我国服装设计缺乏内涵与创新的问题,提出要深入思考并充分利用我国传统文化元素,且对我国传统文化元素的众多方面和其运用方式进行了详细分析和举例说明,为其在服装设计领域更好地运用以增强我国服装的竞争力提供了方向。
Abstract: Nowadays, the competition of clothing is not only the competition of the quality, but also the competition of the cultural connotation behind the clothing. Today, we all embrace the concept of “what belongs to the nation belongs to the world”. The world stage sees Chinese traditional cultural elements frequently. However, clothing designing in our country often ignores our excellent cultural elements, and blindly follows the footsteps of western countries. Therefore, aiming at the lack of connotation and innovation in our fashion design, this paper put forward that we should think deeply and make full use of Chinese traditional cultural elements. It also conducted a detailed analysis and gave supportive examples to many aspects of Chinese traditional cultural elements and the way it is used. By doing so, it provided a direction of better application of traditional cultural elements to enhance the connotation of our country clothing in the field of the clothing design.
文章引用:郭梦洁, 尚笑梅. 传统文化元素在现代服装中的设计与运用[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(5): 604-609. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.65084


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