Analogy Survey-Compensating Method Based Bearing Capacity Test Research for Missing Data Bridge
DOI: 10.12677/HJCE.2017.63032, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,549  浏览: 2,144  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 彭可可*:佛山科学技术学院,交通与土木建筑学院,广东 佛山
关键词: 不明桥类比补差法破坏性试验承载能力研究Missing Data Bridge Analogy Survey-Compensating Method Destructive Test Bearing Capacity Research
摘要: 研究恢复不明桥资料及评估其承载能力的类比-补差法。提出用类比调查法恢复不明桥的配筋数据,基于不明桥建设期使用的规范和现行规范,提出承载能力补差法,预测不明桥需提高的承载能力。因改造某立交需拆除,采用上述类比-补差法恢复了该桥的截面构造尺寸和配筋数据,并对该桥的承载能力进行了评估。该桥拆除后,对拆除梁进行了破坏性试验,验证了恢复的截面配筋数据是准确的。将破坏时的实际承载能力与理论计算承载能力进行对比分析,结果较为吻合。上述试验验证了不明桥类比-补差法的准确性。该法可评估不明桥的承载能力,为不明桥的维修加固提供理论依据。
Abstract: Analogy survey-compensating method is proposed to recover the design information and estimate the bearing capability of data missing bridge. The analogy survey method is used to recover the designed reinforcement data, based on the design codes used in construction period and the current design codes; bearing capacity compensating method is put forward to predict the bearing capacity which needs to be full filled according to the current design codes. A flyover needs to be removed for road reconstruction; the above analogy survey-compensating method is adopted to recover the designed reinforcement information, and estimate the bearing capacity compensating as well. A destructive test was conducted after the demolition of the bridge, which proved that the reinforcement data is accurate. At the same time, the comparative analysis is carried out between test value and theoretical value of bearing capacity research, when the test beam is failure, the results are consistent. The accuracy of analogy survey-compensating method is proved by the above destructive test, which can estimate the bearing capacity of missing data bridge, and provide theoretical basis for maintenance and reinforcement.
文章引用:彭可可. 基于类比补差法的不明桥承载能力试验研究[J]. 土木工程, 2017, 6(3): 280-287. https://doi.org/10.12677/HJCE.2017.63032


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