Stress Analysis of Thin-Walled Double-Chamber Structure with Torque
DOI: 10.12677/IJM.2017.62009, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,483  浏览: 3,631 
作者: 王 硕, 张 铮, 黄裕梁:北京航空航天大学,固体力学研究所,北京
关键词: 薄壁闭合结构扭转有限元应力分布Thin-Walled Closed Chamber Structures Partition Torque FEM Stress Distribution
摘要: 本文对薄壁双闭室结构隔板上的应力分布情况进行了研究。首先对结构型式进行简化,建立有限元模型,然后用ANSYS软件进行计算,揭示了多闭室结构隔板的应力分布状况,此结果对薄壁闭合结构多闭室的隔板应力分布问题具有共性,为隔板设计提供了借鉴。
Abstract: In this paper, the stress distribution on thin-walled double-chamber structural partitions is stu-died. Firstly, we establish the finite element model based on a simplified structural model, and then, the stress distribution of the partition structure is revealed by the computational results of ANSYS software. The results show that the stress distribution of the partition wall of the closed rooms is common in nature, so they can provide a reference for the design of partition.
文章引用:王硕, 张铮, 黄裕梁. 扭矩作用下薄壁双闭室结构的隔板应力分析[J]. 力学研究, 2017, 6(2): 72-81. https://doi.org/10.12677/IJM.2017.62009


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