Research on the Application of Psychological Counseling for Adaptation Groups in Secondary Vocational School—Taking Sichuan Instrument Industry School as an Example
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.66090, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,357  浏览: 1,834 
作者: 宋梅歌, 李 英:四川仪表工业学校,重庆
关键词: 中职新生适应性团体心理辅导Freshmen of Secondary Vocational Schools Adaptability Group Psychological Counseling
摘要: 目的:探讨促进中职新生适应学校新环境的方法和策略,提高中职新生心理适应能力,进而促进学生心理健康。方法:对本校2016级秋季全体新生共2500名学生在开学一周内由心理咨询师进行新生适应性的团体心理辅导。辅导结束后随机抽取1000名学生运用心理适应能力自测量表进行问卷调查,考察新生心理适应能力。结果:新生心理适应能力大部分都较强,较强的占59.55%,很强的占4.51%,一般的占35.51%,较差的占0.43%,很差的所占比例为0。结论:对中职新生进行适应性团体心理辅导能够预防新生适应性不良,在一定程度上可以提高新生的心理适应能力。
Abstract: Objective: To explore the methods and strategies to promote the secondary vocational school students to adapt to the new environment of the school, to improve the psychological adaptability of the secondary vocational school students, and to promote the students’ mental health. Method: A total of 2500 students in the school within one week by the psychological counselor to adapt to the new psychological counseling group. After the end of the counseling, 1000 students were randomly selected to use the self-rated questionnaire to investigate the psychological adaptability of freshmen. Results: Most of the psychological adaptability of new students is strong, strong accounted for 59.55%, very strong accounted for 4.51%, the general accounted for 35.51%, poor accounted for 0.43%, very poor proportion of 0. Conclusion: It is possible to improve the adaptability of new students to adapt to the new environment, and to improve the psychological adaptability of new students to a certain extent.
文章引用:宋梅歌, 李英. 中职新生适应性团体心理辅导应用研究—以四川仪表工业学校为例[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(6): 644-650. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.66090


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