A Discuss of the Problems and Solutions of the South China Tiger Nature Reserve in Guangdong Province on the Construction and Management
DOI: 10.12677/WJF.2017.63010, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,494  浏览: 3,088  科研立项经费支持
作者: 杨文帅*, 李石洲:广东粤北华南虎省级自然保护区管理处,广东 韶关
关键词: 华南虎自然保护区建设管理存在问题解决办法South China Tiger Natural Reserve Construction Management Existing Problems the Solution of the Problem
摘要: 广东粤北华南虎省级自然保护区于1990年建立,是我国唯一以华南虎为主要保护对象的自然保护区。为了加强对该保护区的管理,本文作者通过实地调查、收集资料、走访群众,对该保护区规划建设、保护管理进行了全面调查分析,针对存在的问题提出了相应的解决办法,为今后该保护区的建设管理提供参考。
Abstract: The south China tiger provincial nature reserve of Guangdong province was established in 1990, which is the only nature reserve in China with the south China tiger as the main protection object. In order to strengthen the management of the reserve, authors used field investigation, collecting information, to visit the crowd in the reserve planning and construction, protection and management conducted a comprehensive investigation; this paper puts forward the corresponding solutions to existing problems, and provides reference for the construction and management of the reserve in the future.
文章引用:杨文帅, 李石洲. 浅谈广东粤北华南虎自然保护区建设管理存在的问题及解决办法[J]. 林业世界, 2017, 6(3): 68-72. https://doi.org/10.12677/WJF.2017.63010


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