The Discussion and Research on the Mone-tization of Rural Land
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.67130, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,488  浏览: 2,209 
作者: 张 川, 刘家铭, 袁 象*:上海海事大学 经济管理学院,上海
关键词: 农村土地货币化宅基地流转法律限定市场风险The Monetization of Rural Land Homestead Circulation Legal Limitation Market Risk
摘要: 近年来,农村问题一直是国家重点关注的热点问题。期间大量的专家学者对于农村土地制度进行激烈的争论。相继有人大代表、国土资源部和新华社等专业人士对于农村土地问题发表看法。本文就相应的背景和知识,提出了农村土地货币化可行性的研究。论文利用经济学、法学、社会学等多学科的知识对于农村土地货币化做出可行性的研究,文章一共有七个部分,分别从背景、农村土地货币化意义、农村土地货币化现状、实施障碍、相应对策和农村土地货币化前景分析等方面分析,希望论文的相关观点能够为相关政府部门提供参考。
Abstract: In recent years, rural area problems have been a hot issue which nation mainly concerns. During the period, a large number of experts and scholars argued bitterly about the rural land system. Some professional staffs, such as NPC member, Ministry of Land and Resources and the Xinhua News Agency have published their views on rural land issues. Based on the related background and knowledge, the article puts forward the research on the feasibility of the monetization of rural land. The article uses multi-disciplinary knowledge, such as economics, law and sociology to make a feasibility study. The article has seven parts in all, including the background, the meaning of the rural land monetization, the present situation of the rural land monetization, barriers to implementation, corresponding measures and the analysis of the prospective of the monetization of rural land. We hope related ideas can provide reference for relevant government departments.
文章引用:张川, 刘家铭, 袁象. 农村土地货币化的探讨与研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(7): 913-918. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.67130


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