The Copyright Protection of TV Program Format
DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2017.53011, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,614  浏览: 3,667 
作者: 郭 映, 姚天冲:东北大学文法学院,辽宁 沈阳
关键词: 电视节目模式著作权客体实质性相似TV Program Format Copyright Object Substantial Similarity
摘要: 电视作为传统的四大媒体,与人类生活息息相关,随着现代工业电子技术的发展与观众需求的多样化,电视产业的市场竞争愈演愈烈。近年来,随着《奔跑吧兄弟》、《爸爸去哪儿》等一系列综艺节目走入大家的视野,关于此类电视节目的法律纠纷也愈来愈多。本文将从电视节目模式的属性即是否属于著作权保护的客体出发,对比欧美以往相关判例,探讨侵权认定标准,分析固有的侵权认定标准即“接触”和“实质性相似”,同时阐明“实质性相似”中的横纵双向创新检验方法,为未来我国法院如何判定电视节目模式是否侵权和侵权责任承担提供相应标准。
Abstract: TV, one of the traditional four media, is closely related to human life. With the development of modern industrial electronic technology and the diversified needs of the audience, the TV industry market competition is more and more intense. In recent years, as the “Running man” “Dad, where are we going” and a series of various shows come into our vision, more and more legal disputes about such thing arise. This paper will first talk about the attribute of TV program format, which means whether it belongs to the object of copyright protection. Then the paper will discuss the standard of infringement through the way of comparing the case of Europe and the United States, and also analyze the inherent infringement criteria which mean “contact” and “substantial similarity”. At the end, in order to provide the appropriate standards of how to determine whether the television program mode is infringing to Chinese court, this paper will clarify a new method of “substantial similarity” and tort liability.
文章引用:郭映, 姚天冲. 电视节目模式的著作权保护问题刍议[J]. 法学, 2017, 5(3): 82-87. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJLS.2017.53011


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