The Situation of Anti-Sexual Assault Education and Educational Counter Measures for Children in Rural Areas—Taking Suocheng Town, Raoping County, Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province as an Example
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.78127, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,477  浏览: 2,847  国家科技经费支持
作者: 陈晶露, 陈雪怡, 钟楚燕, 冯彩燕, 徐尔森:华南师范大学心理学院,广东 广州
关键词: 防性侵防性侵教育农村地区儿童Anti-Sexual Assault Anti-Sexual Assault Education Rural Area Children
摘要: 自2013年始,我国不断有儿童被性侵的事件曝光。但是,时至今日,儿童防性侵教育依然没有得到有效落实。本研究对广东省潮州市饶平县所城镇的106名村民、119名儿童和7名小学领导进行了访谈和问卷调查,对饶平县所城镇的防性侵教育现状、村民和校领导对儿童防性侵教育课程的开设态度及没有开展防性侵教育的原因进行了研究。结果如下:1) 村民对孩子有一定保护意识,但大多数没有进行过防性侵教育;2) 校领导和老师大多认为有必要开设儿童防性侵教育课程;3) 由于条件限制等原因,当地未能开设防性侵教育课程。本研究基于以上发现提出了三套针对农村地区儿童的防性侵教育方案。
Abstract: Since the beginning of 2013, children sexual assault incidents had constantly being exposed, but anti-sexual assault education still had not been implemented. Using self-compiled questionnaire to study 106 villagers, 119 children and 7 primary school leaders on Suocheng Town, Raoping County, Chaozhou City. The purposes of our study are as follows: 1) To know the status quo of anti-sexual assault education in Suocheng Town; 2) To know the attitudes of villagers and primary school leaders on opening the anti-sexual assault courses for children; 3) To know the reason why they didn’t open anti-sexual assault courses. The results are as follows: 1) Villagers had certain sense of protection of the children, but most of them had not taught the knowledge of anti-sexual assault; 2) Most primary school leaders thought it was necessary to open anti-sexual assault courses; 3) Due to restrictions on conditions and many other reasons, the local schools failed to open anti-sexual assault education. Based on the above findings, we proposed three schemes for children in rural areas on anti-sexual assault education.
文章引用:陈晶露, 陈雪怡, 钟楚燕, 冯彩燕, 徐尔森 (2017). 农村地区儿童防性侵教育现状及对策—以广东省潮州市饶平县所城镇为例. 心理学进展, 7(8), 1014-1022. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.78127


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