Study and Implement of Storage-Pool in Electric Cloud’s Resource Pool
DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2017.79103, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,567  浏览: 4,779  国家科技经费支持
作者: 尚 枫, 张 辉, 杨 宁, 武 毅:国家电网信息通信产业集团北京中电普华信息技术有限公司,北京;王国霞*:北京科技大学自动化学院,北京
关键词: 云计算资源池存储池存储池总架构Cloud Computer Resource-Pool Storage-Pool The Schema of Storage-Pool
摘要: 国家电网公司从2010年开始建设电力云资源池,存储域作为资源池的必须部分,设计和实现存储域是资源池建设重要部分。首先明确存储域中各种主机和业务对存储的需求、存储域的设计目标和设计原则,提出了两级三类的存储域总体架构,并详细阐述了每类每级能满足的存储需求和业务需求,存储域中监控模块和管理模块的结构和功能也作了详尽说明。该存储域的架构设计不仅可以满足电力云资源池的各种存储需求,符合存储域的设计目标和设计原则,还可以给其他企业的存储域设计和实现提供可借鉴的蓝图。
Abstract: State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) has been building electric cloud’s resource pool from 2010, and as the necessary part, storage-pool’s design and implement is the key step. In this paper, the storage requirements analysis of all kinds of host computer and business in storage-pool, and the design aim, design fundamentals are all clearly defined. On this basis, this paper proposed two-level and three-type schema of storage-pool. Storage and business requirements satisfied by each level and each type storage-pool are also explained in detail, and the monitoring model and management model in storage-pool are also declared. This schema of storage-pool can satisfy the storage-requirement, the design aim and design fundamentals. It also provides practical experience for other enterprises.
文章引用:尚枫, 张辉, 杨宁, 武毅, 王国霞. 电力云资源池存储域的研究与实现[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2017, 7(9): 902-911. https://doi.org/10.12677/CSA.2017.79103


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