The System of the Disaster Treatment by the Central Government of the Tang Dynasty
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作者: 李福长:上海大学文学院,上海
关键词: 唐代灾害处置The Tang Dynasty Disaster Treatment
摘要: 唐朝不仅是中国封建社会繁荣鼎盛时期,也是各种自然灾害频发的时期。盛唐中央在灾害处置方面形成了比较完整的体系,建立了一整套防灾、报灾、检灾、赈灾机制,并将其纳入法治轨道,彰显出大国治理的历史风采。
Abstract: Tang Dynasty is not only the prosperous period of Chinese feudal society, but also the period of frequent natural disasters. The central government formed a relatively complete system in disaster treatments, and established a series of disaster relief mechanism for disaster prevention, disaster reporting, disaster checking and disaster relief, and then brought the disaster relief mechanism in-to the orbit of the rule of law, which manifested the historical style of state governance of the Tang Dynasty.
文章引用:李福长, 尤聪. 唐代中央灾害处置机制[J]. 历史学研究, 2017, 5(4): 37-45. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJHS.2017.54006


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