基于PSCAD的500 kV输变电工程过电压的分析
Influence Analysis of 500 kV Power Transmission and Transformation Project on Power Frequency Overvoltage Based on PSCAD
DOI: 10.12677/SG.2017.75040, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,874  浏览: 5,273 
作者: 王小龙*, 张 旭:内蒙古工业大学,内蒙古 呼和浩特;吴集光, 曹 斌:内蒙古电力科学研究院,内蒙古 呼和浩特;宫小宇:重庆供电局,重庆
关键词: 工频过电压操作过电压线路模型PSCAD检修方式The Power Frequency Overvoltage Switching Overvoltage Circuit Model PSCAD Maintenance
摘要: 500 kV输变电工程的线路模型选择对操作过电压有着不同的影响以及实际工程中不同检修方式都对工频过电压有影响,针对上述问题笔者应用PSCAD电磁暂态仿真软件对在Bergeron、Mode Model、Phase Model线路模型下进行仿真验证和分析在十二种检修方式下对工频过电压影响最大的一种方式,通过实际工程说明操作过电压在Mode Model、Phase Model线路模型下更接近实际。对于双回路的输变电工程在不同检修方式下,对于其中一条线路分析,与它相邻线路检的修对其工频过电压影响最严重,在实际工程中,工作人员应该多加注意。笔者通过以上分析对500 kV实际输变电工程启动和检修有一定的指导意义。
Abstract: The line model selection of 500 kV transmission project will influence the switching overvoltage, and different maintenances will have different effects on overvoltage in practical engineering. Aiming at the above problems, the author uses electromagnetic transient simulation software PSCAD to stimulate and analyze the biggest impact on overvoltage with twelve kinds of mainte-nance modes under Bergeron, Mode Model, and Phase Model, and find that the switching over-voltage is closer to reality under Mode Model, and Phase Model. Besides, as for double loop power transmission project, the author analyzes one of the lines in different maintenance modes, and finds that the inspecting of its adjacent line will have the largest influences on the power frequency overvoltage. So, the engineer should pay more attention in practical engineering. Through the analysis above, the author hopes to give some guidance to the startup and maintenance of 500 kV transmission project.
文章引用:王小龙, 吴集光, 曹斌, 宫小宇, 张旭. 基于PSCAD的500 kV输变电工程过电压的分析[J]. 智能电网, 2017, 7(5): 362-371. https://doi.org/10.12677/SG.2017.75040


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