Study on the Influence of Father Involvement in Parenting on 3~6 Years Old Children’s Emotional Expression—A Case Study of a Kindergarten in Donggang District of Rizhao City
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.710150, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,770  浏览: 2,467 
作者: 顾 娟:青岛黄海学院,山东 青岛;宋文婧:日照市实验小学幼儿园,山东 日照
关键词: 父亲参与教养幼儿情绪表达Father Involvement in Parenting Children Emotional Expression
摘要: 为了探讨父亲参与教养与幼儿情绪表达之间的关系,了解父亲参与教养的现状和幼儿情绪表达的发展情况,引起人们对此的关注,尤其是人们对于“父职”的重视,本论文通过父亲教养行为自我报告问卷和幼儿情绪表达家长评定问卷对日照市东港区某幼儿园的180名幼儿家长进行调查研究,结果表明:1) 父亲参与教养的程度处于中等偏上水平;幼儿情绪表达的程度处于中等偏下水平。2) 父亲参与教养的间接支持维度在幼儿年龄上以及父亲的职业上存在显著性差异;父亲参与教养的鼓励支持维度在幼儿是否独生上存在显著性差异。3) 父亲参与教养的关注帮助维度与幼儿情绪表达的内外性以及强弱性维度存在显著性差异;父亲参与教养的管教约束维度与幼儿情绪表达的强弱性维度也存在显著性差异。4) 父亲参与教养的管教约束维度与幼儿情绪表达存在显著负相关。
Abstract: In order to explore the relationship between father involvement in parenting and children’s emotional expression, to understand the present status, attract people’s attention, especially to the role of “father”, a survey is conducted among 180 parents of a kindergarten in Donggang District, Rizhao based on the questionnaire on father involvement and children emotional expression. The result shows as follows: 1) The level of father involvement in parenting is above average and children’s emotional expression is below average. 2) Fathers’ wishes of indirect supporting involvement in parenting distinct greatly according to different ages of children and different careers of fathers. Fathers’ wishes of encouraging and supporting involvement in parenting vary from whether it is the single child. 3) There is a salient difference between the careness and helping behavior in the involvement in parenting and the emotion expression inside and outside and strength of expression; there is also significant differences between the teaching and binding behavior and the emotion expression. 4) There is a prominent negative association between fathers’ teaching and binding and children’s emotional expression.
文章引用:顾娟, 宋文婧 (2017). 父亲参与教养对3~6岁幼儿情绪表达影响的研究—以日照市东港区某幼儿园为例. 心理学进展, 7(10), 1205-1213. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.710150


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