Discussion on the Practice Teaching of “Curriculum Design of Spatial Database”
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2017.54058, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 1,441  浏览: 2,110 
作者: 宋伟伟, 张 东, 吴如楠:武汉大学卫星导航与定位技术研究中心,湖北 武汉
关键词: 空间数据库地理信息系统教学改革Spatial Database Geographic Information System Teaching Reform
摘要: 基于高精度位置服务的应用成为了地理信息研究及应用领域的热点方向,是目前“互联网+”领域的新兴产业之一。其中地理信息系统与数据系统的交叉学科“空间数据库”是此类应用的基础,目前各大高校都开设了相关的基础课程。本文基于“空间数据库”实践教学的现状,分析了教学过程中可能存在的一些问题,并结合实践教学自身特点,根据教学的实际需求,从合理安排实践教学内容、改善教学方法、优化考核方式等方面探究了实践教学的课程改革方案。这对提高《空间数据库》实践教学质量,培养学生对相关知识的独立学习能力有较大帮助。
Abstract: The applications, based on high-precision location-based service (LBS), have become a hot topic in geographic information research, which is also one of the emerging industries of Internet plus. The interdiscipline spatial database, which combines the geographic information system and the data system, is the basis of the high precision LBS applications. Currently, most universities have offered relevant courses about the spatial database. Based on the current teaching practice of the course “spatial database”, this paper analyzes several potential problems in teaching practice and also explores the curriculum reform plan from reasonably arranging the teaching content, improving teaching methodologies, optimizing examination form. The plan can significantly improve the teaching quality of “spatial database” course and help to cultivate students’ independent learning capability.
文章引用:宋伟伟, 张东, 吴如楠. 关于“空间数据库课程设计”实践教学的探讨[J]. 创新教育研究, 2017, 5(4): 372-376. https://doi.org/10.12677/CES.2017.54058


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