Discussion on the Team Building with the Core of Basic-Level Party Organizations in Higher Vocational Colleges
DOI: 10.12677/VE.2017.64023, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,336  浏览: 4,723 
作者: 贾颖绚, 岳 健, 刘孝勇:北京经济管理职业学院工程技术学院,北京
关键词: 基层党组织高职院校团队建设Basic-Level Party Organization Higher Vocational Colleges Team Building
摘要: 高职院校基层党组织建设与各类团队建设有机融合,是高职院校实现立德树人思想引领作用的有效途径。基层党组织和团队建设相互依存共同促进,要以基层党组织为核心,“抓基层打基础”,深化团队建设。以北京经济管理职业学院基层党组织工程技术学院党总支为例,探讨了围绕基层党组织的领导核心作用,开展教学、科研、学工、党建等相关团队建设的具体做法,并对工作的实施成效进行了分析阐述。
Abstract: The organic combination of basic-level party organization construction and team building in higher vocational colleges is an effective way to realize morality education and thoughts guidance. Basic-level party organization construction and team building are interdependent and promotive, which should take the basic-level party organization as the core, grasp the basic groundwork, and deepen the team building. Based on the basic-level party organization of School of Engineering Technology in Beijing Institute of Economic and Management, the specific practice of team con-struction are discussed surrounding the core of leadership of the basic-level party organization in teaching, research, student and party. Furthermore the implementation results of this work are also analyzed in this paper.
文章引用:贾颖绚, 岳健, 刘孝勇. 论高职院校团队建设中基层党组织的核心职能[J]. 职业教育, 2017, 6(4): 126-130. https://doi.org/10.12677/VE.2017.64023


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