Investigation and Research on Intercultural Adaptation of Philippine Students in China—A Case Study on Philippine Students in Beijing
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.611207, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,777  浏览: 2,199 
作者: 郑凯华:北京师范大学教育学部,北京
关键词: 菲律宾留学生华裔非华裔跨文化适应Overseas Student from Philippines Chinese-Filipino Students Non-Chinese Cross-Cultural Adaptation
摘要: 在本文的研究内容中,笔者首先阐述了本文的研究意义、国内外相关研究现状,之后针对北京地区的菲律宾留学生进行了问卷调查与访谈录音,并对调查问卷所得到的数据及资料进行整合分析。在搜集在华菲律宾留学生的跨文化适应现状方面,主要是通过对生活适应性、社会文化适应性以及学习适应性三个方面的内容进行调查与统计。最后,本文依据调查结果,从生活方面、社会文化适应方面、学习生活适应方面具体总结了在华菲律宾留学生跨文化适应存在的问题,并且有针对性的提出了加强菲律宾留学生跨文化适应的建议。
Abstract: In the research of this article which includes four aspects of contents. In order to understand the cross cultural adaptation of overseas student from Philippines, based on the significance of this study and the related domestic and international research status, a questionnaire survey and in-terview were conducted on Chinese-Filipino students and non-Chinese students. Then our data and information questionnaire and interview recording was subjected to meta-analysis and we collect the materials and information of Philippines students in cross-culture of China. In terms of information gathering, we investigate them through the adaptation of life, socio-cultural adaptation and learning adaptability; Finally, according to the survey results and problems, we specifically proposed to strengthen cross-cultural adaptation of the Philippines student recommendations in terms of life, social and cultural adaptation, learning life adaptation.
文章引用:郑凯华. 在华菲律宾留学生跨文化适应调查与研究—以北京高校菲律宾留学生为例[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(11): 1477-1486. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.611207


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