Effect of Antrodia cinnamomea Powder on Obesity in High-Fat Diet-Induced Rats
DOI: 10.12677/HJFNS.2017.64031, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 1,678  浏览: 2,666 
作者: 张晓苓:葡萄王生技股份有限公司,台湾 桃园;徐庆琳:中山医学大学营养学系,台湾 台中;中山医学大学附设医院营养科,台湾 台中;陈劲初:葡萄王生技股份有限公司,台湾 桃园;国立台湾大学食品科技研究所,台湾 台北;实践大学食品营养与保健生技学系,台湾 台北;彰化师范大学生物技术研究所,台湾 彰化;中原大学生物科技学系,台湾 桃园
关键词: 牛樟芝菌丝体肥胖体脂Antrodia cinnamomea Obesity Body Fat
摘要: 本研究使用之高脂饮食饲料以AIN-93G饲料为基础加以调整油脂比例,添加25%猪油。将动物分成三组,分别为(1) 正常饮食组(normal diet, ND)喂食正常饲料、(2) 高脂饮食组(high-fat diet, HFD)、(3) 高脂饮食给予牛樟芝菌丝体粉末(Ac)。结果得知,高脂饮食之组别其最终体重显著高于正常饮食组(p < 0.05),在高脂饮食诱导之肥胖大鼠给予牛樟芝菌丝体粉末组别之大鼠结果显示,可显著降低其体重增加之情形(p < 0.05)。在体重改变量和食物利用率亦可得到相同之结果。Ac对高脂饮食诱导肥胖大鼠可显著降低肝脏总脂质、三酸甘油酯与肝脏胆固醇含量(p < 0.05)。综合以上结果显示牛樟芝菌丝体粉可降低体脂肪,增加油脂代谢。
Abstract: The aim of the study was to assess the effect of Antrodia cinnamomea powder in rats fed a high-fat diet. Rats were divided into three groups and fed the following diets: the control (Normal diet, ND), high-fat diets (AIN-93G with 25% added lard, HFD), and a high-fat diet supplemented with Antrodia cinnamomea powder (Ac). Results showed that the body weight in the HFD group was significantly higher than in the normal diet group (p < 0.05) while the body weight gain was significantly lower in Ac group than in HFD group rats (p < 0.05). Body weight changes and feed efficiency also showed similar patterns. In liver, the addition of Ac could significantly decrease HFD-induced total fat, triglyceride and cholesterol accumulation (p < 0.05). These results suggest that Ac may contribute to reduction of the body fat mass and promote lipid metabolism in HFD-induced obese rats.
文章引用:张晓苓, 徐庆琳, 陈劲初. 牛樟芝菌丝体粉对高脂饮食诱导大鼠肥胖之影响[J]. 食品与营养科学, 2017, 6(4): 244-252. https://doi.org/10.12677/HJFNS.2017.64031


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