An Empirical Study on the Relationships between Job Satisfaction and Organizational Performance in Healthcare Settings
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2012.24026, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,369  浏览: 11,123 
作者: 黄维民, 许恒韶*:台湾中正大学医疗资讯管理研究所
关键词: 医疗机构工作满意度经营绩效Healthcare Management; Job Satisfaction; Organizational Performance
摘要: 本研究目的在了解医疗机构中员工的工作满意度对经营绩效之影响。将员工需求及建议作分析,并谋求预防性策略管理,让病患、员工及医院产生良性循环互动,达医院永续经营。研究对象为医院员工,且为实证调查研究。研究结果显示:1) 两年度员工工作满意度:a) 皆以离家近、同事相处融洽、宗教理念相符为员工愿意留在医院服务之主因。b) 工作本身与领导沟通之构面满意度均达六成。c) 员工对工作满意度偏低之变项为护理人员、服务年资介于2~5年者、非主管职、宗教信仰为道教、月收入较低者;2) 第二年度较第一年度工作满意度略为提高;3) 第二年度较第一年度经营绩效之医疗服务量增加。

The purpose was to study the relationships between the job satisfaction and organizational performance. The substantial suggestions of employees and the potential factors of turnover were thoroughly analyzed in this study. Moreover, the managerial strategy to deal with turnover rate and to establish the good compromise between healthcare consumers and providers will be the key concept for the healthcare settings. Therefore, Organizational culture, internal customers’ satisfaction, turnover reduction and healthcare quality are the critical issues needed to be investigated. The research samples were drawn from a certain regional hospital in southern Taiwan. The research design was structured survey study. The significant findings in this study were following: 1) for job satisfaction: a) distances from home, harmony with colleague and religion motivation were the three critical factors to encourage employee to stay b) both job characteristics and leadership/communication were more satisfied rate c) for the dissatisfied staffs, nurses with working experience 2 - 5 years, non-administrative position, non-catholic religion, and low income were dominant subjects; 2) for overall job satisfaction in different years: more satisfaction in the 2nd year than the first year; 3) for organizational performance in different years: more healthcare production in the 2nd year than the first year.

文章引用:黄维民, 许恒韶. 医疗机构员工满意度与经营绩效相关性之实证研究[J]. 现代管理, 2012, 2(4): 150-159. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MM.2012.24026


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