A Study of the Cross-Strait Operating Room Nurses’ Work Motivation and Professional Commitment Correlated with Work Satisfaction
DOI: 10.12677/ns.2012.11001, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,205  浏览: 10,951 
作者: 锺正姮*:财团法人奇美医院 护理部;陈孟修:南台科技大学 商管学院
关键词: 工作动机专业承诺工作满意度手术室护理人员Work Motivation; Professional Commitment; Work Satisfaction; Operating Room Nurses
摘要: 目的:本研究主旨为探讨两岸手术室护理人员工作动机与专业承诺对工作满意度之相关研究。方法:研究对象为台湾及中国大陆之手术室护理人员为主有效问卷共501份有效回收率89.6%。研究方法以结构式问卷方便取样,研究工具以SPSS统计软件以描述性统计、t检定及相关性分析。结果:研究结果发现两岸手术室护理人员工作动机的外在动机及专业承诺的专业努力意愿,平均值最高;两岸差异之变项显示中国大陆高于台湾有极显著差异为“工作动机”之内在动机、“专业承诺”之专业生涯涉入及专业努力,而台湾高于中国大陆有极显著差异者为“工作动机”之外在动机,“工作满意度”之升迁制度与福利;两岸之工作动机、专业承诺与工作满意度均显示有极显著之正相关。结论:根据研究结果,藉以提供未来两岸手术室护理主管选才用才之参考,及建议在管理上主管应重视员工并适时给予激励式管理。
Abstract: Purpose: This study aimed on the work motivation and professional commitment correlated with work satisfaction for operating room nurses Taiwan and Mainland China. Methods: Operating room nurses from Taiwan and mainland China were selected for this study. with an effective return of 501 questionnaires, retrieval rate was 89.6%. Structured questionnaires were used for convenience sampleing; SPSS, for descriptive statistics, t-test, and correlation analysis. Re-sults: The mean value for the extrinsic work motivation and professional commitment scores was the highest. Differences in the intrinsic work motivation and the effort and involvement on professional career as part of the professional commit-ment were significantly higher in Mainland China when compared with Taiwan. In contrast, when considering extrinsic work motivation and work satisfaction (promotion and welfare) results were significantly higher in Taiwan than Mainland China. Work motivation, professional commitment, and work satisfaction were positively correlated across the Taiwn strait. Conclusions:This investigation could act as a reference for operating room executives on both sides of the Taiwan strait to select new employees, setting of promotion guide lines, and launching of encouragement programmes.
文章引用:锺正姮, 陈孟修. 两岸手术室护理人员之工作动机与专业承诺对工作满意度之相关性研究[J]. 护理学, 2012, 1(1): 1-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ns.2012.11001


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