Nursing Experience for a Spinal Cord Injury Patient with Pressure Ulcer—Nursing Experience for a Pressure Ulcer Patient
DOI: 10.12677/ns.2013.21001, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,762  浏览: 12,465 
作者: 曾玉慈:阮综合医院护理部;叶惠萍:景美医院长照部;董道兴*:振兴医院教学研究部
关键词: 脊髓损伤压疮护理经验Spinal Cord Injury; Pressure Ulcer; Nursing Experience


Abstract: Spinal cord injury not only will influence violently to subjects and family, but the complication such as pressure ulcer will infect the wound and threaten the life. This article described a nursing experience for a spinal cord injury patient with pressure ulcer. The duration of nursing care was between August 5, 2008 and September 13, 2008. The methods of data collection included observation and personal interview. Based on Gordon’s functional health assessment, the case’s health problems included: 1) the lesion of skin integrity; 2) the nutrition intake less than body’s demand; 3) hopelessness. During the nursing process, in addition to satisfy the basic demand and psychologic support, the researcher also enhance the case’s support system to encourage the case’s confidence of disease and value of life and then increase the quality of life.


文章引用:曾玉慈, 叶惠萍, 董道兴. 一位脊髓损伤致压疮病患之护理经验——压疮病患之护理经验[J]. 护理学, 2013, 2(1): 1-4. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ns.2013.21001


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