Nursing Experience of Helping an Old Age Postpartum Woman Breastfeed to Premature Twins
DOI: 10.12677/ns.2013.21002, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,184  浏览: 10,587 
作者: 刘秀玲:阮综合医院护理部;叶惠萍:景美医院长照部;董道兴*:振兴医院教学研究部
关键词: 高龄产妇哺乳早产儿双胞胎Old Age Postpartum Woman; Breastfeed; Premature Twins
摘要: 本篇是一位40岁以人工生殖方式怀孕生产之高龄产妇,在产褥期面对照顾早产儿双胞胎哺乳之护理经验。护理期间自2008/3/142008/3/26,护理期间主要以Gorden十一项健康功能评估工具作为收集数据的依据,透过与亲子互动之间观察、会谈、病历查阅及家访、电话访问方式收集数据,发现产妇主要的健康问题有:低效性母乳哺喂、焦虑、疲惫。个案面对这些冲击时,笔者以同理心及关怀心来协助,同时提供育儿相关知识与技巧,使个案能有正向因应行为,继续哺喂母乳,仅以此经验提供护理人员日后照顾此类产妇之参考。
Abstract: This article described a nursing experience of helping an aged 40 years old postpartum woman breastfeed to premature twins. The duration of nursing care was between March 14, 2008 and March 24, 2008. The methods of data collection included observation and personal interview, chart reviewed, telephone interview, and home visit. Based on Gordon’s functional health assessment, the case’s health problems included: 1) the low effective breastfeeding; 2) anxiety; 3) exhausted. During the nursing process, the researcher not only help the case with empathy and caring, but also offer related knowledge and techniques to care babies. The case had the positive behavior and kept the breastfeed going. This case report was expected to share the nursing experience to clinical nursing staff.
文章引用:刘秀玲, 叶惠萍, 董道兴. 协助一位高龄产妇哺乳早产儿双胞胎之护理经验[J]. 护理学, 2013, 2(1): 5-9. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ns.2013.21002


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