The Publicity of Broadcasting: Theoretical Origin, Aca-demic Predicament, and Survey Logic
摘要: 基于“公共性”的理论溯源,本文阐释了哈贝马斯“资产阶级公共领域”理论及其局限性,分析了兰茜·弗雷泽建构“多元公共领域”的理论前提以及现实指导意义;由此进一步探讨了当前研究“广播电视公共性”的学术困境,并提炼出“广播电视公共性”的考察逻辑:以历史视角和动态眼光为逻辑起点,将中国广播电视的公共性放置到中国宏观的社会背景和具体历史语境中考察;结合国家结构和政治运作方式,力求避免脱离中国现实的媒介环境、制度环境和历史语境而机械套用哈贝马斯的相关论述对广电公共性进行管窥蠡测,以此探索广电公共性发展的现实路径。
Abstract: Based on the theoretical origin of the publicity, the paper interprets Habermas’ Bourgeois Public Sphere Theory and its limitations, Nancy Fraser’s Pluralistic Public Sphere Theory and its theoretical premises and practical significance. By studying the current academic predicament of Broadcasting Publicity, the paper proposes the research logic that, with the historical perspective and dynamic vision, the research studies on Broadcasting Publicity in China’s macro social background and specific historical context. It explores the new development of Broadcasting Publicity with the combination of national structure and political op-eration, avoiding the ignorance of media environment, institution and specific context in China’s reality and the limit view of broadcasting publicity by inflexibly applying the theory of Habermas.
文章引用:黄艾. 广播电视公共性:理论溯源·学术困境·考察逻辑[J]. 新闻传播科学, 2013, 1(1): 1-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/JC.2013.11001