Application of SRAP Molecular Techniques in Plant Genome Research
DOI: 10.12677/BR.2013.23015, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 3,293  浏览: 11,977  国家科技经费支持
作者: 李彦锦, 唐婷婷, 刘本文, 江 磊, 张 磊, 李 刚, 覃 瑞, 刘 虹:中南民族大学南方少数民族地区生物资源保护与综合利用工程中心,武汉
关键词: SRAP基因组学SRAP优化 SRAP; Genomics; SRAP Optimization


Abstract: SRAP is a new type of molecular marker technique developed in recent years with which abbreviated form of a name of sequence-related amplified polymorphism. SRAP has the advantages of easy to operate, low cost, high codominant and high repeatability. The main task of SRAP is to amplify the coding region of gene, and analyze the functional sequence of the gene directionally. It was widely used in genetic analysis, the construction of molecular genetic map, gene mapping and genetic clone because of its unique primer design on genomics. Based on the characteristics of SRAP and its applications in plant genomics, we introducted the principles of SRAP briefly in this paper.

文章引用:李彦锦, 唐婷婷, 刘本文, 江磊, 张磊, 李刚, 覃瑞, 刘虹. SRAP分子技术在植物基因组学研究中的应用[J]. 植物学研究, 2013, 2(3): 87-91.


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