The Inner Secret of the System—The Discovery from Emergence to Emergence’s Community
DOI: 10.12677/ACPP.2013.22003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,735  浏览: 8,668 
作者: 温勇增*:中央党校,北京
关键词: 系统奥秘涌现涌生事物System; Secret; Emergence; Emerging Things
摘要: 涌现作为系统科学的核心概念,被广泛接受。涌现是系统的外象机能,揭示了系统外在显现整体性的机能奥秘,但不是直接的内在对象。因此,系统科学进入复杂性研究阶段后,系统及涌现自身的内在复杂性带来了研究的困惑。针对这种困惑,本文尝试探索从涌现到涌生事物的研究,揭示系统透过涌现的内在奥秘。
Abstract: It’s known that emergence is a core concept of the system science. The emergence as the outer function of system discovers the secret of the whole function outside system instead of direct inner objection. After system science comes into the complicacy study stage, the complexity of the emergence itself and system puzzles the study of system science. To solve that confusion, this paper tries to study the emergence of community extended from emergence and discovers the inner secret of system.
文章引用:温勇增. 系统的内在奥秘 —从“涌现”到“涌生事物”的探索发现[J]. 哲学进展, 2013, 2(2): 11-16. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ACPP.2013.22003