Comparative Study of Cross-Strait New Energy Department
DOI: 10.12677/SE.2013.36017, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,392  浏览: 10,098  国家科技经费支持
作者: 张传国, 何 易:厦门大学经济学院,厦门
关键词: 台湾新能源比较New energy; Comparative Study
摘要: 海峡两岸新能源发展各具特色,但发展方向大致相同。台湾地区新能源发展得益于有力的政策引导、成熟的产业集群与较强的居民环保意识。通过对两岸新能源发展的比较研究发现:两岸在新能源产业,新能源消费以及相关政策方面都存在较大差异,但各具发展优势。台湾新能源发展的成功经验可为大陆地区提供诸如完善相关政策、提高科技水平及提升居民环保意识等多方面的借鉴
Abstract: Although the new energy industries in mainland China and Taiwan have their own distinctive characteristics, the path of development is similar. The success of the new energy industry in Taiwan lies on positive policies, industrial clusters and better awareness of environmental protection of its citizens. Through comparative research on the development of new energy industries in mainland China and Taiwan, we find out that mainland China and Taiwan, as two areas in different stages of development, differ greatly in new energy industry, new energy consumption and new energy policies. However, they have their own advantages of development. The mainland China can learn the experience of new energy industry from Taiwan, such as new energy policies, advancing technology and raising the awareness of environmental protection of its citizens.
文章引用:张传国, 何易. 海峡两岸新能源发展比较研究[J]. 可持续能源, 2013, 3(6): 106-109. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SE.2013.36017


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