Design and Application of Main-Frequency Inductive Coil
DOI: 10.12677/AEPE.2013.15026, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,439  浏览: 12,258 
作者: 贾贵玺:天津市天津大学自动化学院,天津;鲜于哲:平壤机械大学自动化工程系,平壤,朝鲜;吴贤哲:金策工业综合大学热工系,金策,朝鲜
关键词: 感应加热线圈工频功率比分布圆筒形钢铁表面Inductive Heat Coil; Main-Frequency; Different Specific Rate of Work; Steel Cylinder Surface
摘要: 本文介绍了一种工频电流的感应线圈设计方法。由于其设备投资不大、没有环境污染、且便于进行工艺控制,具有明显的技术优点。利用工频感应加热技术把钢铁加热到不太高的温度(指钢铁磁性变态点以下)可用于树脂加工、合成橡胶生产等,本文针对这种应用范围,进行了在圆筒形钢铁表面上产成不同功率比分布的感应线圈设计。
Abstract: This paper will introduce an inductive coil design method using main-frequency that will improve efficiency. The heat treatment process has many advantages, such as low initial investment; affordable equipment, eco friendly, mechanized process control and production arrangement. Steel heating can be used for the production of numerous goods including plastic and rubber processing. This paper contains in-depth research concerning inductive coil design that highlights the different specific rate of work on the steel cylinder surface.

文章引用:贾贵玺, 鲜于哲, 吴贤哲. 工频感应加热线圈的设计与应用[J]. 电力与能源进展, 2013, 1(5): 152-157. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AEPE.2013.15026


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