Rethinking of Translation Criterion—Constructing Dual System of Translation Criterion
摘要: 翻译标准是翻译理论的核心问题,也是翻译界颇具争议的问题。不同历史时期、社会背景、流派的学者对翻译标准提出了不同观点。本文通过对中西方翻译标准的对比分析,认为严复提出的“信达雅”可作为评价翻译活动的最高标准,即理想标准。我国学者吕俊教授提出的三个最低标准可以作为底限标准,二者共同构成翻译标准的双重系统。在实践过程中,我们可以依据文本类型论的相关知识,结合双重标准系统对译文做出合理评价,进而判断一篇译文是否合格,是否达到了优秀译文的水平。
Abstract: Translation criterion is a core and controversial issue in translation field. Scholars of different schools in different historical periods and social backgrounds hold their own opinions on translation criterion. Through the contrastive analysis of translation criterion both in China and western countries, this paper indicates that in evaluating translation activities, YanFu’s “faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance” can be used as the ideal standard while Professor LvJun’s three minimum standards can be the lowest criterion. The ideal and minimum standards constitute a dual system of translation criterion. In specific translation activities, we can combine the text typology with the dual criterion system to make a reasonable evaluation, which helps to judge whether a translated text is qualified or excellent.
文章引用:王醒醒. 翻译标准之再思——构建翻译标准的双重系统[J]. 现代语言学, 2014, 2(1): 7-11. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2014.21002


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