Exploring Major Influencing Factors of Human Resource Management Effectiveness for Healthcare
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2014.41001, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,329  浏览: 12,196 
作者: 杨红玉:元培科技大学医务管理系,新竹;杨建昌:亚东纪念医院人力资源处,台北
关键词: 医院层级人力资本人力资源管理效能Hospital Level; Human Capital; Human Resource Management Effectiveness
摘要: 随着台湾健保制度的改革促使医疗机构面临极大的挑战,故如何有效运用人力资源管理的效能来改善服务质量及提升竞争力是目前医院管理者的重要课题;因此本研究主要将探讨医疗机构之人力资本对人力资源管理效能的影响。本研究在人力资本方面引用了Schuler (1979)提出知识、经验、技能三构面,另人力资源管理效能则是引用曾信超、徐郁茹(2002)分为人力资源确保管理、人力资源开发管理、人力资源报偿管理、人力资源维持管理四构面,并以台湾医院协会人力资源委员会之21家医院为研究对象,每家医院随机抽取10位主管进行问卷调查,有效回收179份。发现人力资源管理效能受人力资本知识与技能显著性影响,且会依医院层级不同而有显著差异,此研究结果可提供医疗机构拟定人力资源策略之参考。
Abstract: After carrying out the National Health Insurance Project in Taiwan, the healthcare environment is faced with significant change. Therefore, the emphasis on human resource management effectiveness be- comes more important for managers of healthcare organizations to improve the service quality and competi- tiveness. The main objective of this study is to explore the relationship between human capital and human re- source management effectiveness of healthcare organizations. The instruments of this study include two scales; one is the human capital scale developed by Schuler (1979) which comprises knowledge, technique and ex- perience dimensions, and the other is human resource management effectiveness scale suggested by Ceng Xin Chao and Xu Yu Ru (2002) which involves assurance management, development management, recom- pense management and preservation management dimensions. Beside that, this research takes 21 healthcare organizations of Human Resource Committee of Taiwan Hospital Association as objects and adopts the ques- tionnaire survey by collecting 10 questionnaires from each healthcare organization with random sampling. A total of 179 of valid questionnaires were collected. The human capital of healthcare organizations will posi- tively influence its human resource management effectiveness, and there is significant difference according to different hospital levels. This may be the reference as formulating the human resource strategy for managers.
文章引用:杨红玉, 杨建昌. 探讨医院人力资源管理效能的主要影响因素[J]. 现代管理, 2014, 4(1): 1-8. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MM.2014.41001


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