The Influence of Occupational Stress on Nurses’ Health: The Mediating Effects of Neuroticism and Coping Styles
摘要: 研究目的:探讨职业压力对护士一般健康水平影响的可能机制,为护理行业的领导者和管理者针对护士的健康问题制定有效的预防和干预方案提供一些借鉴。方法:以方便取样的方法邀请重庆市五所医院的临床护士347名,用Weiman职业压力量表(WOSS),神经质量表,应付方式问卷(CSQ)和自测健康评定量表(SRHMS)进行调查。结果:研究建构的模型对护士一般健康水平的整体解释率为33%。职业压力主要通过五种途径影响护士的一般健康水平:1) 直接负向影响护士的一般健康水平;2) 以情绪中心应对为中介,和3) 以情绪中心应对与问题中心应对一起为链式中介,间接影响护士的一般健康水平;4) 以神经质为中介,和5) 以神经质与问题中心应对一起为链式中介,间接影响护士的一般健康水平。结论:护士的神经质水平和面对压力时所采用的应对方式在职业压力与他们的一般健康水平的关系间起中介作用。
Abstract: Objective: To explore the potential mechanism underlying the relationship between occupational stress and nurses’ general health, and to provide reference for drafting effective prevention and intervention aiming to nurses’ health problem. Methods: Adopted convenient sampling method and investigated 347 clinical nurses from five hospitals in Chongqing Province with Weiman Occupational Stress Scale (WOSS), Neuroticism Scale, Coping Style Questionnaire (CSQ) and Self-related Health Measurement Scale (SRHMS). Results: The total contribution of the best model to nurses’ general health was 33%. Occupational stress affected nurses’ general health through five paths: 1) directly had negative effect on nurses’ general health; 2) indirectly affected nurses’ general health via emotion-focused coping, and 3) two kinds of coping styles together respectively; 4) indirectly affected nurses’ general health via neuroticism level, and 5) neuroticism level and problem-focused coping together respectively. Conclusion: Nurses’ neuroticism level and coping styles used to response to stress have mediating effects on the relationship between occupational stress and their general health.
文章引用:文锶, 曹梦露, 陈思瑶, 汤永隆. 职业压力对护士一般健康水平的影响: 神经质与应对方式的中介作用 [J]. 心理学进展, 2014, 4(2): 252-262. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.42037


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