Ethnic Relations Governance under the Value Orientation of Nationalism
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2014.31002, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,468  浏览: 9,201 
作者: 杨宗源:云南大学,公共管理学院,昆明
关键词: 国家主义族际关系治理价值取向Nationalism; Ethnic Relations Governance; Value Orientation
摘要: 以“国家主义”为取向的族际关系治理是在对以往的族际关系治理模式不能满足民族国家发展的长远目标以及族际关系出现了新变化而提出来的。新中国成立以来的族际关系治理在取得了一些成绩的同时也暴露了不少的问题,已经不能适应新时期、新形势对族际关系治理提出的要求。因此,在新的国际国内形势的影响下,将族际关系治理的价值取向适时地调整到以“国家主义”为取向上来并运用到族际关系治理的实践中就显得尤为紧迫和必要
Abstract: Ethnic relations governance under the value orientation of nationalism was brought up after the original governance cant meet the long-term goal of national development and catch the development of ethnic relations. Since the establishment of Peoples Republic of China, ethnic relations governance has made some achievements and also exposed a lot of problems, which already cannot adapt to the new situation in the new period of management request of ethnic relationship. Therefore, it is particularly urgent and necessary to adjust the value orientation of governance between ethnic relations to the value orientation of nationalism and then apply it to the practice of ethnic relations governance under the influence of the new international and domestic situation.
文章引用:杨宗源. 论以“国家主义”为价值取向的族际关系治理[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2014, 3(1): 5-10. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2014.31002