Creative Teaching Design and Implementation of an Elementary Teacher on Gifted Math Program
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2014.43B002, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,402  浏览: 14,122 
作者: 徐伟民*:国立屏东教育大学数理教育研究所;吴伶娇:国立屏东教育大学数理教育研究所,台湾;刘祥通:国立嘉义大学数理教育研究所,台湾
关键词: 创意教学课程设计课程实施资优数学Creative Teaching Curriculum Design Curriculum Implementation Gifted Mathematics


The purpose of this study was to investigate how an expert elementary teacher designed and implemented gifted mathematics curriculum and teaching. Teaching observation, interviews and document were used to collect data for one semester, and the results indicated that mathematics problems the teacher designed were diverse, life-related, and classified as high cognitive problems. Exploration and discussion were used to solve the problems in order to foster students’ abilities on mathematical thinking, reasoning, communication, connection and representation, and guide students to conduct independent study for getting more exploration. Mathematics curriculum design and implementation of the teacher was based on her personal teaching ideas, prior experiences and interests, and in the context of parents’ support and without pressure from specific teaching progression, she integrated the objectives of gifted curriculum, students’ needs and interests into the design and implementation of the mathematics curriculum. Thus, her teaching evoked students’ interest to explore mathematics further. The teacher also used the results of students’ exploration to attend mathematics competition in elementary level, and got a good grade and performance.


文章引用:徐伟民, 吴伶娇, 刘祥通. 一位国小教师资优数学课程的创意教学设计与实施[J]. 教育进展, 2014, 4(3): 6-12. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AE.2014.43B002


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