Research on Shape Stealth Technology of Military Aircraft
DOI: 10.12677/JAST.2014.22004, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,492  浏览: 11,394 
作者: 蔺国民:西京学院,西安
关键词: 军用飞机飞机外形隐身雷达散射截面Military Aircraft Aircraft Shape Stealth Radar Cross Section (RCS)
摘要: 隐身技术是军用飞机提高突防能力和攻击能力的重要保证,而外形隐身技术是军用飞机实现隐身目的的主要途径之一。本文介绍飞机雷达散射截面、影响因素以及度量方法,详细分析了缩减飞行器雷达散射截面积的途径和飞机外形隐身设计应遵循的原则,分析了飞机外形隐身的测试求解方法,对隐身技术研究的最新方法予以预测。
Abstract: The stealth technology is an important warrant to improve the defense penetration capability and attack capability of military aircraft while the shape stealth technology is one of the ways to real- ize stealth purpose. The concepts, the influence factors and the measure methods of radar cross section of military aircraft are introduced. The ways of reducing radar cross section, the principle of the shape stealth and technical measures of military aircraft are analyzed in detail. The latest research methods of stealth technology are predicted finally.
文章引用:蔺国民. 军用飞机外形隐身技术研究[J]. 国际航空航天科学, 2014, 2(2): 26-33. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/JAST.2014.22004


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