Redescription of One Epialtid Crab of the Genus Thusaenys from the Siaoliouciou Island, Taiwan (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Majoidea)
DOI: 10.12677/IJE.2015.41001, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,524  浏览: 9,873  科研立项经费支持
作者: 陈温柔:国立中山大学生物科学系,高雄,台湾;罗柳墀:国立高雄师范大学地理系,高雄,台湾;曾雀芬:高美医护管理专科学校,高雄,台湾
关键词: 慕迪琉球蟹卧蜘蛛蟹科小琉球台湾Thusaenys mutilioucious Epialtidae Siaoliouciou Island Taiwan
摘要: 台湾小琉球屿发现卧蜘蛛蟹科Epialtidae MacLeay, 1838、Thusaenys Griffin and Tranter, 1986属的新物种慕迪琉球蟹(Thusaenys mutilioucious Chen and Lo, 2014)。本种已在小琉球地区性海洋推广教育丛书中描述纪录,现在正式向国际引介。Thusaenys 属(中文俗名“琉球属”)蟹类是台湾首次纪录属级(genus)蟹类物种,目前全球已纪录5种,而慕迪琉球蟹有异于之主要特征为眼上叶前缘发达显著指向前方、眼窝下叶与第二触角基部愈合区域宽广且前侧方为大形圆钝状的指突刺等构造上之差异,另其它特征将描述于本文中。
Abstract: A new epialtid crab species, Thusaenys mutilioucious Chen and Lo, 2014, is redescribed on the basis of material from the Siaoliouciou Island, Taiwan. T. mutilioucious was originally described in the book of local marine education promotion (Chen and Lo, 2014), and it is confirmed that the taxon is distinct from other species of the genus Thusaenys Griffin and Tranter, 1986 by several morphological characters, such as the strongly produced preorbital lobe of supraorbital eave and the basal antennal article broad, bearing a blunt anterolateral spine etc., will be described in this report.
文章引用:陈温柔, 罗柳墀, 曾雀芬. 台湾小琉球屿发现的新物种慕迪琉球蟹报告[J]. 世界生态学, 2015, 4(1): 1-5.


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