The Properties of Rank 1 Matrix and Its Application in Statistics
DOI: 10.12677/PM.2015.52013, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,732  浏览: 7,780 
作者: 郭淑妹, 郭 杰:信息工程大学理学院,河南 郑州
关键词: 列向量对称阵性质统计应用Column Vector Symmetrical Matrix Properties Statistics Application
摘要: n维列向量x与xT的乘积,为秩为1的矩阵xxT。本文对这种秩1矩阵的结构、乘法运算、特征值与特征向量等性质进行了讨论,结合这些性质重点讨论了秩1矩阵在统计学中的应用。
Abstract: Rank 1 matrices is the product of the n dimensional column vectors x and xT. This paper discussed some properties of the matrices with rank 1, like the structure, multiplication, eigenvalues and eigenvectors etc., and further analyzed the applications of the matrices applied in Statistics.
文章引用:郭淑妹, 郭杰. 秩1矩阵的性质及其在统计学中的应用[J]. 理论数学, 2015, 5(2): 85-88. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/PM.2015.52013