Pop-Up Ads Is Not as Bad as You Think
DOI: 10.12677/JC.2015.32008, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,818  浏览: 12,235 
作者: 罗文坤:中国文化大学广告学系,台湾 台北;骆少康:中国文化大学行銷所/国际贸易学系,台湾 台北
关键词: 弹跳式广告知觉侵扰广告恼怒广告避免眼球追踪Pop-Up Ads Perceived Intrusiveness Ad Irritation Advertising Avoidance Eye Tracking
摘要: 近十年来,网路广告的成长表现十分亮眼,有许多学者投入于网路广告的相关研究,然而,学者们对于弹跳式广告之广告效果却有着许多负面的评论。本研究归纳后认为这些研究都是基于假定消费者在网路上的浏览行为皆是属于目标导向,所以弹跳式广告会阻碍了消费者的目标执行而产生侵扰与恼怒的知觉。实际上,消费者在网路上的浏览行为并非都是具有目标或任务导向,因此,本研究执行实验设计,操弄消费者浏览行为之目标导向与否,验证了受试者在非目标导向浏览时对于弹跳式广告的知觉侵扰与广告恼怒会低于目标导向浏览时,本研究透过眼动仪纪录并验证受试者在非目标导向浏览时对于弹跳式广告的眼球凝视行为会高于目标导向浏览时,也即是网路使用者在非目标导向浏览时对于弹跳式广告的广告避免行为会低于目标导向浏览时。
Abstract: Internet advertising technology and industry develop rapidly in past decade. However, researchers and practitioners doubt of the advertising effectiveness of pop-up ads all along. This study observes that those judgements were based on an assumption that web browse behavior is goal- oriented. They consider the pop-up ads impede browsers goal and cause them to perceive the irritation and intrusiveness. Actually, not all the web browse behaviors are goal- or task-oriented. Thus, this study conducts an experiment to manipulate the goal/non-goal-oriented behavior. Results show that non-goal-oriented web browsers perceive lower pop-up ads irritation and perceived intrusiveness than goal-oriented browsers. This study also utilizes the eye tracking device to record and examines that the non-goal-oriented web browsers’ fixation count and fixation length on pop-up ads are higher than goal-oriented web browsers. That is, the non-goal-oriented web browsers’ advertising avoidance behavior is lower than goal-oriented web browsers.
文章引用:罗文坤, 骆少康. 网路弹跳式广告其实没有那么糟[J]. 新闻传播科学, 2015, 3(2): 45-56. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/JC.2015.32008


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