A Brief Analysis on the “Honor Theater Tickets” of the Rear Area during the Anti-Japanese War
DOI: 10.12677/OJHS.2015.33004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,348  浏览: 8,370 
作者: 庞骁柳:西南大学含弘学院,重庆
关键词: 荣誉券中产阶级两面性Honor Theater Tickets Middle Bourgeoisie Double-Edged
摘要: 中华戏剧史上,荣誉券是一个独特存在。它是一种在抗战时期盛行于抗战大后方的高价戏票,其受众主要为商人和政界、文艺界知名人士。荣誉券的销售热潮充分显示了抗战时期各方各界的爱国热诚甚至是来自国际层面的人道关怀。然而,从历史发展进程来看,抗战中后期因为荣誉券包销形式的出现,荣誉券的销售收入并非主要用于剧团发展,且其商业性质也不可避免地对戏剧的艺术性产生了消极影响。
Abstract: The “honor theater tickets” is a special form of tickets in the history of Chinese drama. It’s a kind of popular high-price tickets at the Rear Area during the Anti-Japanese War. The owners of the tickets are mainly the celebrities of the business, political or art circles. And the sales boom of it fully demonstrates the patriotic enthusiasm from all parties as well as the humanitarian concern on the international level. However, looking into the development of the history, it has its shortcomings. In the middle and later stages of the war, with the rising of the contractors of the tickets, the incomes are no more mainly for the growth of the theatrical companies. And the commercial nature of it inevitably has some kind of negative impact on the artistic quality of drama.
文章引用:庞骁柳. 抗战大后方戏剧荣誉券情况浅探[J]. 历史学研究, 2015, 3(3): 23-28. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJHS.2015.33004


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