Brief Analysis of Zheng Banqiao Artistic Innovation
DOI: 10.12677/ARL.2015.43004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,681  浏览: 8,033 
作者: 张树俊:中共泰州市委党校,江苏 泰州
关键词: 书画风格艺术创新郑板桥Calligraphy and Painting Style Artistic Innovation Zheng Banqiao
摘要: 郑板桥是中国清代著名的艺术家,名播中外,在我国艺术史上占据着重要的地位。他年轻时就刻苦学习书画,经过无数次的实践、探求,终于形成了自己的书体风格——“六分半书”。郑板桥强调意的主宰作用,画竹胸无成竹,画兰胸无成兰,不立一格,也不留一格。郑板桥还强调处理好学习继承与发展创新的关系,主张自立门户,书法绘画风格绝不与人同道。郑板桥的艺术成就是极高的,其创新方法与创新精神,也是值得今人学习的。
Abstract: Zheng Banqiao was a famous artist in the Qing Dynasty of China, and was also famous abroad, occupying an important position in the Chinese art history. When he was young, he studied calligraphy and painting hard, and after numerous times of practice and exploration, finally formed his own chirography style—“six and a half”. Zheng Banqiao stressed the dominated function of meaning: painting bamboo without bamboo in the mind, painting orchid without orchid in the mind, neither setting up a format nor leaving one. He also stressed that the relationship between inheritance and innovation should be handled well, and claimed the own style, insisting different calligraphy and painting styles compared with others. Zheng Banqiao’s artistic achievement is extremely high, and his innovative method and spirit are worth learning today.
文章引用:张树俊. 郑板桥艺术创新简论[J]. 艺术研究快报, 2015, 4(3): 26-32. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ARL.2015.43004