The Dark Side Factors inside the Network Governance
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2015.44051, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,903  浏览: 4,869 
作者: 张志坚*, 汪明生:中山大学公共事务管理研究所,台湾 高雄
关键词: 网路治理黑暗因数多元现代化社会发展Network Governance The Dark Side Factors Multiple Modernities Social Development
摘要: 本研究借由巴黎恐怖攻击与叙利亚难民潮两起事件,欧洲民众在相关政策上的反应,凸显出政府在推动政策时必须面对的一种挑战,进而以不同理论的视角,论证存在于网路治理中的黑暗面。借由揭露隐藏在其中的盲点,可作为拟订相关行动方案时的参考。本研究最后建议在网路治理体制的建构过程中,应设法:1) 维持责任义务与权益保障的平衡;2) 避免因多元化的立场而稀释了对地球环境应扮演的角色;3) 扮演解决问题的角色,缩减社会发展阶段的落差;4) 在水平协商的机制中,能依问题的尺度给予相对应的权重。
Abstract: Contrasting with European’s reactions to the policies between the influx of refugees from Syrians and Paris attacks on 13 November, 2015, this study indicated that governments have been facing a challenge when promoting policies. On the basis of different theories, this study also demonstrated that the dark factors existed in the network governance. The result provided suggestions for organizations when constructing institutions of network governance: 1) sustaining a balance be-tween rights and duties; 2) reducing the dilution effect on responsibilities for the environment from multiple modernities; 3) playing a role of problem-saving to scale down the gaps among different stages of societies; 4) setting different weights for different scales of situations in a mechanism of equality.
文章引用:张志坚, 汪明生. 网路治理中的黑暗因素[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2015, 4(4): 355-359. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2015.44051


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