The Sense of Self-Efficacy Research on Junior High School Students of Different Temperament Types
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.66086, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,075  浏览: 3,115 
作者: 何明远, 杨忠萍, 曾练平:贵州师范大学教育科学学院,贵州 贵阳
关键词: 初中生气质类型自我效能感民族差异Junior High School Students Temperament Types The Sense of Self-Efficacy Ethnic Differences
摘要: 研究采用《气质类型问卷》和《自我效能感问卷》对贵州省黔西南州少数民族自治区153名初中生进行考察,结果发现:1) 初中生的自我效能感不受年级与民族差异的影响。2) 不同气质类型的初中生其自我效能感存在显著性差异。3) 抑郁质气质类型的初中生其自我效能感偏低。初中生的自我效能感受各气质类型的影响不同,教育者及其家长应更多的关注抑郁质类型的初中生,并给予这类同学更多的表现机会,帮助其提高自信心。
Abstract: This study explored the relationship of sense of self-efficacy and temperament types on the Junior high school students. The 153 Junior high school students from 4 middle schools in Guizhou Pro- vince had completed the questionnaires on the temperament types and the sense of self-efficacy. The results show that: 1) Self-efficacy of Junior high school students from grade and ethnic has no differences. 2) There are significant differences in self-efficacy of Junior high school students in different temperament types. 3) The melancholic type of Junior high school students has the lower self-efficacy. So educators and their parents should pay more attention or give incentives to the students who are melancholic to improve their self-confidence and giving them more opportunity to express themselves.
文章引用:何明远, 杨忠萍, 曾练平 (2016). 不同气质类型初中生自我效能感的关系研究. 心理学进展, 6(6), 664-669. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.66086


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