Recommendations on How to Improve Infrared Moisture Meter’s Zero Calibration Mode
DOI: 10.12677/IaE.2016.43004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,889  浏览: 4,015 
作者: 翟梦迪:云南财经大学,云南 昆明
关键词: 异常值均值标准偏差红外水分仪Outliers Means Standard Deviation Infrared Moisture Meter
摘要: 以异常值点双样的均值为零位校准的新标准,从总误差和误差标准偏差两个方面比较新旧标准,结果表明改进后的方法有效可以降低红外水分仪测量误差。
Abstract: I will use the paired samples’ means of outliers as the new standard of zero calibration, and then compare the new and the old standard by total errors and standard deviation. The result shows that the improved method can effectively reduce the infrared moisture meter’s measurement error.
文章引用:翟梦迪. 关于红外水分仪零位校准方式改进的建议[J]. 仪器与设备, 2016, 4(3): 25-28. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/IaE.2016.43004