Folk-Conceptual Research (XI): Implicit Structure of Revolutionary Character Based on the Analysis of the College Students
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.612165, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,669  浏览: 6,759  国家科技经费支持
作者: 孟 乐:中国人民大学心理学系,北京;李朝旭, 张立昕, 袁玉琢:曲阜师范大学心理学系,山东 曲阜;潘文静:华中师范大学心理学院,湖北 武汉
关键词: 革命者性格概念表征特征枚举因素分析Revolutionary’s Character Conceptual Representation Feature Listing Factor Analysis
摘要: 本研究运用词汇学方法,对大学生的“革命者性格”特征的内隐结构进行了初步探讨。采用特征枚举法,让被试对“革命者”一词进行特征枚举,经合并整理得到100个高频词(累计频率75.74%)。以高频词为研究单位,让372名被试选择所列词语对自己或他人的描述程度并进行1分(完全不符合)到6分(完全符合)的评定,经因素分析,结合“大七”人格理论,最终确定“革命者性格”特征的编码维度,包括革命人生哲学、革命胜任力、匪戾气和革命情怀。
Abstract: The approach of lexicology was used in the present study to investigate the implicit structure of the characteristics of the “revolutionary character” of college students fundamentally. By the enumeration characteristics method, 372 participants were asked to list feature terms of the “re-volutionary”. The frequency from high to low ranking was got by data merging and reduction, and the top 100 words as high frequency word which cumulative frequency accounted for 75.74% of the total frequency are selected. Then, these top words with high cumulative percentage were selected to describe your own or other ranked by 1 (not completely meet) point to 6 points (completely meet). According to the general rules of the factor analysis, with reference to the Chinese “big seven” personality theory, “revolutionary character” coding dimensions were confirmed ultimately, including the philosophy of revolutionary participation, the competence of revolutionary participation, revolutionary personality, the revolutionary sentiments and feelings.
文章引用:孟乐, 李朝旭, 潘文静, 张立昕, 袁玉琢 (2016). 基于大学生人群的“革命者性格”特征的内隐结构分析——民间概念研究之十一. 心理学进展, 6(12), 1304-1315. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.612165


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