The Research and Practice of the Integration of Matlab and Information Theory and Space-Time Coding
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2017.71011, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,816  浏览: 5,185  科研立项经费支持
作者: 倪梁方*, 吴良美, 王培珍:安徽工业大学电气信息学院,安徽 马鞍山
关键词: 信息论与空时编码Matlab研究和实践Information Theory and Space Time Coding Matlab Research and Practice
摘要: 信息论与空时编码是信息学科新设的一门专业基础课。针对该课程需学生兼具广泛数学理论与通信工程本科专业背景的特点和学生的现状,从教学的目的和内容出发,探讨了Matlab仿真实验与常规教学手段相融合的教学方法。结果表明:授课条理清晰、程序讲解和实例分析并重、多与学生交流,把握学生的学习动态,促使教与学互动是达到学以致用的教学目标的关键。
Abstract: The information theory and space time coding is a new foundation course of information science. The teaching methods of the integration of Matlab simulation experiments and conventional teaching methods are discussed from the purpose and content of teaching, facing the requirement of students to have extensive mathematical theory and communication engineering undergraduate background as well as the current situation of students. The results show that teaching systematically, the equal stress on program explanation and example analysis, exchanging with students, grasping the dynamics of student learning are all crucial to the promotion of the interaction between teachers and students to achieve teaching objectives of making study serve the practical purpose.
文章引用:倪梁方, 吴良美, 王培珍. Matlab与信息论与空时编码融合的研究和实践[J]. 教育进展, 2017, 7(1): 64-71.


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