Preparation and Preliminary Application of “The Chinese Dream” Questionnaire for Immigrants People
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.71008, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,739  浏览: 4,034  科研立项经费支持
作者: 杨金花, 李 敏, 马瑞雪:北京联合大学师范学院心理学系,北京;金盛华:北京师范大学心理学院,北京
关键词: 中国梦社会心理表征流动人口The Chinese Dream Social-Mental Representation Immigrant People
摘要: 目的:“中国梦”是党的十八大以来提出的最重要的概念,广义的“中国梦”是指中华民族在实现国富民强的同时,为世界做出贡献的美好愿望,而狭义的“中国梦”是指每一个中国人的梦想。对于流动人口来说,他们对于“中国梦”的社会心理表征是怎样的?本研究编制了流动人口理解对“中国梦”的社会心理表征的问卷,并对该问卷进行了初步应用,对800名北京流动人口进行问卷的初步应用,调查他们对“中国梦”社会心理表征的特点。方法:采用文献法、访谈法、开放式问卷调查、项目分析、探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析和信度分析等方法。结果:问卷包含三个维度:国家梦(8个项目)、社会梦(12个项目)和个人梦(5个项目)。三个因素累计方差贡献率83.948%,旋转后的各项目负荷均在0.6以上。总量表、国家梦、社会梦和个人梦的内部一致性系数分别为0.986、0.979、0.918和0.983,分半信度分别为0.985、0.974、0.978和0.908。验证性因素分析结果表明三因子模型有良好的拟合指数(χ2/df = 3.781, NFI = 0.927, RFI = 0.919, IFI = 0.945, TLI = 0.939, CFI = 0.945, RMSEA = 0.087),问卷具有良好的结构效度。结论:1) 流动人口“中国梦”社会心理表征问卷包括国家梦、社会梦和个人梦三个维度,问卷有较好的心理测量学特性。2) 流动人口对“中国梦”的社会心理表征得分最高的是个人梦,其次是国家梦,最后是社会梦。3) 流动人口对“中国梦”的社会心理表征具有性别差异。
Abstract: Objective: “The Chinese Dream” is an important concept of the 18th party congress. In broad terms, “The Chinese Dream” means the willing of the China’s national prosperity and contribution of China to the world. While, in narrow terms, “The Chinese Dream” is every Chinese dream. What’s the means of “The Chinese Dream” for the immigrant group? This study developed the questionnaire of immigrants’ understanding of “The Chinese Dream”, which is their Social-mental Representation of “The Chinese Dream”. And then, using the questionnaire, the social-mental representation of “The Chinese Dream” among 800 Beijing immigrant people was investigated. Methods: The literature method, interview method, open-questionnaire investigation, item analysis, exploratory elements analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and reliability analysis were used. Results: The Social-mental Representation of “The Chinese Dream” Questionnaire had three dimensions: national dream (8 items), social dream (12 items), and personal dream (5 items). The cumulative explanation of the three variances was 83.948%. Internal consistency (Cronbach’s α) of the questionnaire, national dream, social dream and personal dream were 0.986, 0.979, 0.918 and 0.983. The split reliability of the questionnaire, national dream, social dream and personal dream was 0.985, 0.974, 0.978 and 0.908. Confirmative factor analysis revealed that the three-dimension model was proper (χ2/df = 3.781, NFI = 0.927, RFI = 0.919, IFI = 0.945, TLI = 0.939, CFI = 0.945, RMSEA = 0.087). It indicated that the questionnaire had better construct validity. Conclusion: 1) The Social-mental Representation of “The Chinese Dream” Questionnaire has three dimensions, which are personal dream, social dream and national dream. The questionnaire has satisfactory psychometric characteristics. 2) The personal dream scores the highest, followed by national dream, and finally social dream. 3) The social-mental representation of “The Chinese Dream” among Beijing immigrant people has significant gender difference.
文章引用:杨金花, 金盛华, 李敏, 马瑞雪 (2017). 《流动人口“中国梦”社会心理表征问卷》的编制及初步应用. 心理学进展, 7(1), 50-59. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.71008


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