Implementation of Customizable Reports Based on JasperReport
DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2017.71008, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,610  浏览: 2,468 
作者: 刘浩波*, 叶 桦, 仰燕兰:东南大学自动化学院,江苏 南京
关键词: JasperReport IReport报表模板生产报表定制报表JasperReport IReport Report Template Production Report Custom Report
摘要: JasperReport在生成格式相同数据不同的报表时,需要修改报表模板并且重新编译。针对这个问题,选择JavaBean作为数据源,使用IReport设计一个相对通用的报表模板,自动适应数据源的长度。在JavaWeb的基础上,同时配合数据库、后台代码与前端页面的设计。以生产报表为例,通过网页进行机台和日期的选择,实现了报表的定制。
Abstract: JasperReport needs to modify and recompile the report template when a report with different data is generated. To solve this problem, we select JavaBean as the data source, and use IReport to design a general report template, which is automatically adapted to the length of the data source. On the basis of JavaWeb, we coordinate with the design of the database, the background code and the front page. Taking the production report as an example, a custom report is achieved by using the webpage to choose the machines and the dates.
文章引用:刘浩波, 叶桦, 仰燕兰. 一种基于JasperReport的定制报表的实现[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2017, 7(1): 58-66. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CSA.2017.71008


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