The Influence of Subjective Well-Being on Emotional Valence—Evidence from Behavioral Experiment
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.72022, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,613  浏览: 4,398 
作者: 周 翠, 张建军, 邱博宇:华南师范大学,心理学院,广东 广州
关键词: 主观幸福感情绪效价情绪刺激Subjective Well-Being Emotional Valence Emotional Stimulus
摘要: 讨论主观幸福感对情绪效价的影响有重要的研究意义。本研究采用主观幸福感问卷和行为实验来探索不同个体主观幸福对情绪效价的影响。100名被试参与了研究,结果如下:1) 主观幸福感与总情绪刺激、正性刺激的效价均显著相关;2) 总情绪效价和正性效价在主观幸福感的不同水平下差异显著,高主观幸福感个体的总情绪效价和正性情绪效价显著高于低主观幸福感个体。主观幸福感高的个体有着更好的社会适应结果,在正性情绪刺激上能更敏感地进行感知,在其他情绪刺激上能够更好地进行调节。
Abstract: It’s of high research significance to discuss the influence of subjective well-being on emotional valence. The subjective well-being questionnaire and behavioral experiment were applied to investigate the influence of individual subjective well-being on emotional valence. 100 participants took part in the research. The results are follows: 1) The subjective well-being was significantly related to the valence of all emotional stimulus and positive emotional stimulus. 2) The valence of all emotion and positive emotion were significantly different between different levels of subjective well-being. Individuals with high subjective well-beings performed better on the valence of all emotion and positive emotion than individuals with low subjective well-beings. Individuals with high subjective well-beings can better adapt to social situations, thus, higher sensitive about positive emotional stimulus, and better regulation about other emotional stimulus.
文章引用:周翠, 张建军, 邱博宇 (2017). 主观幸福感对情绪效价的影响—来自行为实验的证据. 心理学进展, 7(2), 176-180. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.72022


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