Study on the Physical Health Condition and Sports Intervention of the Left-Behind Children in Rural Areas
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.63034, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,940  浏览: 2,558 
作者: 肖 璐, 刘海通:上海体育学院体育休闲与艺术学院,上海
关键词: 留守儿童体质健康体育干预Left-Behind Children Physical Health Condition Physical Intervention
摘要: 以文献资料法为主要研究方法,对我国农村留守儿童体质健康的影响因素及我国农村留守儿童的体育干预途径进行了研究。研究发现:影响我国农村留守儿童体质健康的主要因素有学校教育环境、家庭观念引导、社会服务支持等。研究还提出:加大政府和社会对农村地区体育硬件设施的投入;充分发挥留守儿童监护人在家庭体育中的作用;拓展学校体育教育的功能;充分发挥农村社区体育的促进作用;创办学校、家庭、社会一体制,共办体育,为留守儿童提供一个良好的成长环境等发展对策。
Abstract: Main factors affecting physical health conditions and sports intervention measures of the left-  behind children in rural areas were studied using the literature method. The study showed that campus education environment, family values guide and social service system as main factors af-fect the physical health condition of left-behind children in rural areas. The study further pro-posed to increase government and society investment in hardware construction of sports facilities in rural area, give full play to the role of guardians of children in family sports, expand the functions of school physical education, give full play to the role of rural communities to promote sports education and advance the sports education integration of schools, families and the whole society. And only in this way can we provide a good growth environment for the left-behind children in rural areas.
文章引用:肖璐, 刘海通. 我国农村留守儿童群体的体质健康状况与体育干预研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(3): 255-260. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.63034


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