Research on the Classification and Mining Methods of Network Public Opinion
DOI: 10.12677/JC.2017.51002, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,262  浏览: 6,148  国家科技经费支持
作者: 王兰成, 陈立富:南京政治学院,军事信息管理系,上海
关键词: 网络舆情传播社会网络分析信息技术舆情分析Network Public Opinion Dissemination Social Network Analysis Information Technology Public Opinion Analysis
摘要: 网络舆情的传播主体在网络舆情的发生、发展和演化过程中具有重要作用,舆情的应对也离不开网络传播主体。网络意见领袖作为活跃主体,与网络舆情的演化有着密切的联系。方法层面有必要开展基于网络舆情传播主体的分类研究,掌握活跃主体的形成及在舆情传播中的作用;技术层面有必要基于信息分析方法研究网络意见领袖的发现,证明社会网络分析技术能有效用于舆情主体的挖掘过程及其量化分析。实证展示舆情主体的挖掘过程及其信息分析方法的应用。
Abstract: The main body of the network public opinion plays an important role in the occurrence, development and evolution of the network public opinion. Network opinion leaders as the active agent, have a close relationship with the evolution of the network public opinion. For the method level, it is necessary to carry out the classification based on the main body of network public opinion dissemination and to master the formation and role of active subject in the spread of public opinion; For the technical level, it is necessary based on intelligence analysis method to study network opinion leaders’ findings to prove that social network analysis technology can be effectively used for the main public opinion mining process and quantitative analysis. There are real evidences in the paper to demonstrate the mining process of the main body of public opinion and the application of information analysis method.
文章引用:王兰成, 陈立富. 网络舆情传播主体分类与挖掘方法研究[J]. 新闻传播科学, 2017, 5(1): 8-14.


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