A Study on the Situation of Corporate Culture and the System Construction of Cultural Concept in a Call Service Center of the Communication Industry
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.73054, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,728  浏览: 3,678 
作者: 范骄骄, 边仕英, 黄远春:西昌学院,四川 西昌
关键词: 呼叫服务中心企业文化理念体系构建Call Service Center Corporate Culture System Construction
摘要: 本研究以通信行业某呼叫服务中心为典型案例,在对该企业文化现状进行调查研究的基础上,力求构建出一套科学、合理的文化理念体系。首先,随机抽取该呼叫服务中心部分在职基层员工和管理者,采用问卷调查法和访谈法,分析他们在企业文化现状、企业文化类型、对企业文化的满意度以及员工的性格这几个方面的数据;根据数据分析的结果、相关文献以及前期的相关资料,提取并设计出该呼叫服务中心的企业文化理念体系;最后,为这一文化理念体系设计出一套切实可行的实施方案。
Abstract: This study choosing a call service center in the communications industry as a typical case, tried to build a scientific and rational system of culture concept based on the investigation of the corporate culture situation. The study of the general idea is: Firstly, investigation and analysis of the current situation, types and satisfaction of corporate culture, as well as the staff's character were conducted by using questionnaire survey and interview method in the grass-roots employees and managers randomly selected in the call service center; secondly, according to the result of data analysis, related literature and previous related information, enterprise culture idea system of the call service center is extracted and designed; finally, a practical program is proposed for the cultural concept system.
文章引用:范骄骄, 边仕英, 黄远春 (2017). 通信行业某呼叫服务中心企业文化现状及其文化理念体系构建. 心理学进展, 7(3), 427-441. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.73054


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