Research of Persons’ Present Situation of Road Rage and the Way of Their Attribution
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.74065, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 1,516  浏览: 1,953 
作者: 李 钰:湖南师范大学,湖南 长沙
关键词: 路怒路怒现状归因方式Road Rage The Current Situation of Road Rage Ways of Attribution
摘要: 该研究先采用访谈法对不同职业、年龄、学历、婚姻状况等30人进行具体的了解,在此基础上制成“路怒归因方式问卷”,以探求路怒现状及归因方式对路怒的影响,被试最终有522名。结果表明:(1) 路怒在性别和年龄上没有显著差异,但在职业、学历和婚姻状况等上有显著差异;(2) 路怒与内归因存在正相关(r = 0.058);与外归因呈负相关(r = −0.088);与相同归因也存在相关关系,(r = −0.054);(3) 职业、收入和学历与归因方式间存在显著差异,而性别与年龄与归因方式间的差异不显著。研究结论:归因方式的确会导致路怒的差异,它体现在路怒的产生和程度上,内归因对路怒的影响大于外归因。
Abstract: At first, this author asked 30 persons, whose career, age, educational background and marital status are all different, and then the author has designed a scale called “the ways of attribution of road rage scale”, which has been filled in by 522 persons at last. The results are as follows: (1) peoples’ road-rage in gender and age has no significant difference, but it has significant difference in careers, earnings in a month, education and situation of marriage; (2) modern people's road rage and internal attributional pattern are positively correlated (r = 0.058); show a very negative correlation among modern people’s road rage and external attributional pattern (r = −0.088); show a negative correlation of road rage and equal attributional pattern (r = −0.054); (3) occupation, income and education, compared with gender and age, have significant difference with the attributional pattern of road rage. And the conclusion is: different attributional patterns do affect road rage; it reflects in the produce and degree of road rage; and internal attribution can produce more effect than external attribution.
文章引用:李钰 (2017). 现代人路怒现状及其归因方式的研究. 心理学进展, 7(4), 531-536. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.74065


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